We run CIW registered childcare provision to provide wrap-around care for those children who attend our morning Nursery. We opened in January 2022 with many families taking advantage of the opportunity for their child to stay in one care setting. Children have continued to develop skills across the curriculum through explorative play. The provision is run by our very experienced Nursery staff who use their knowledge of child development, early years education and most importantly their knowledge of the needs of  individuals to support  and nurture development.

The charge of each session is £17.50 per child. The fee includes a snack and drinks but does not include lunch, therefore a packed lunch must be provided.

We are registered for the Vale of Glamorgan Childcare Offer which contributes towards up to 30 hours of early education and childcare. This is available to nearly all  working parents with the maximum threshold for income being higher than previous support. We suggest all parents find out if they are eligible.


We are also registered with the tax-free childcare scheme and with different voucher services such as Fair Care and Computershare.

Further information can be found in the contract below, please contact the school if you have any questions.

Please note that Nursery children are able to attend the Welsh Government Breakfast club and attend Simply Out of School at the end of the school day.